Lincoln’s 4th Birthday

Dear Lincoln,

You are the most special little boy Mommy and Daddy could have ever asked for! We visited you and decorated your grave with pretty new flowers for your birthday. Daddy found the big green ones šŸ™‚ We talked to you about your new little sister who is coming, but we know you already know her, our sweet boy.

We had so much fun lighting your lanterns with Aunt Rachel, Uncle MJ, and Grandma. We saw the two shooting stars you sent as soon as all the lanterns were in the air! What a beautiful ending for your birthday, to see the dark sky lit up with symbols of our love for you, and a celebration of your life. We miss you so much Linky… We will all be together as a family again soon. Until then, we will keep celebrating you everyday of our lives.

Love you forever,

Mommy and Daddy


New flowers for Bubby’s birthday


Mommy and Aunt Rachel getting the lanterns ready!


Daddy and Mommy getting ready to launch a lantern!


Mommy launching her lantern!


There goes Daddy’s!




We love you Lincoln! Happy 4th Birthday!


Lincoln’s Memory Tree at Grandma and Grandpa’s house

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